ऐक्य ही आपली शक्ती आहे. एकत्रित व्हा, आनंदी रहा.
Over the last 38-plus years, Calgary Marathi Association (CMA) is running successfully as a non-profit organization with your support and thousands of volunteering hours. We are an organization that provides a wide variety of opportunities beyond social and cultural platforms.
Your membership fees support CMA to strengthen the heritage, culture, and festivals of Marathi traditions and sustain it as a non-profit organization to be actively involved in the advancement of the community and Calgary as a whole.
Become a member of CMA today and contribute towards preserving our Marathi culture.
Members must buy membership-priced event tickets only for themselves and eligible family members defined under the purchased membership class.
Member buying tickets for non-members at membership price will result in denial of entry for the event without any refunds.
CMA Samadhan Senior Club
CMA Samadhan Club for Seniors
- Helps parents and senior members of the family integrate better and improve their mental and physical well-being.
- A day picnic was organized at the Bowness Park with yoga, games, a train ride and a lot of team-building exercises for our senior members.
CMA Marathi Shaala
CMA Marathi Shala (School)
- Offers Marathi language courses at three of our campuses (NW, NE, SW).
- The Bruhan Maharashtra Mandal (BMM) syllabus is recognized across North America.
- There were 100+ students so far across all three branches learning Marathi speaking, listening, writing and reading. The course is valued at $550 CAD/year but is free for CMA Members except admin charges $50 will be charged per student.
- Currently, due to the COVID-19 situation, the classes are conducted online with continuous benefit to kids.
CMA Paalavi Youth Club
CMA Youth Association
(Formerly known as Paalavi)
- Programs focus on our youths to bring out their volunteering skills and create future leaders.
- Participating in CMA Youth will help you develop your professional and leadership skills, provide opportunities for young people to address the needs and concerns of the community, gain crucial volunteer hours and experience, and help you network and explore new opportunities in your career and education.
- The Youth Association facilitated the Garba event and set up various food stalls to raise funds.
CMA New Immigrant Support
New Immigrants Settlement Support
- The program provides a safe and supportive space to help newcomers.
- This helps break the feeling of isolation, develop support networks, learn job search skills and gather relevant information/resources.
BMM Support, Events & Activities
BMM Umbrella and Support
- BMM provides umbrella to all Marathi mandals/associations across the North America. CMA also comes under BMM and supports BMM initiatives.
- All CMA members can take benefits of BMM activities, events and sessions. Learn more about BMM – https://bmmonline.org/.
CALGARY MARATHI ASSOCIATION Membership Key Benefits Are : |
- Enjoy the togetherness with Marathi people in Calgary जोडी मराठी मन
- Get event tickets at discounted prices for all the Social & Cultural Celebrations. Family membership holders saved hundreds of dollars.
- Participate in various CMA events and showcase your talent.
- Marathi Shala for kids between 5-18 years. Admin charges $50 per student.
- Free enrolment for kids aged 13 – 23 in CMA Youth Association Program.
- Golden opportunity to promote your business with special sponsorship rates.
- Samadhan Club for seniors keeps them entertained in their 2nd innings.
- Exposure to a well-established community for new immigrants.
- Get access to the right to cast your vote in AGM (Annual General Meetings) and get nominated for next year’s EC team members.
- Automatically get enrolled for the lottery for 2025 membership. (must be the same product as 2024)
*Valid 2025 membership and login are required for Marathi Shala class registration
As a responsible community organization, CMA believes in giving back to the community and society.
Annual membership starts on Jan 01st and expires on Dec 31st every year.
We look forward to your active participation.
CMA Executive Committee 2025
President – Swati Girap | Vice President – Vidula Ranshinge | Treasurer – Bageshri Vamburkar | Secretary – Dhanashree Pawar
Email: info@cmacalgary.ca Website: www.cmacalgary.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cmacalgary
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/calgarymarathiassociation

| Samadhan Club | Paalavi Youth Club | Marathi Shala | Newcomer services | info@cmacalgary.ca