Karaoke Afternoon
Event Date: 26th February.
Venue: Bar u Ranch Historical Centre
Samadhan Seniors Clubs
Samadhan (Seniors) Club kicked off its first event in the second year with a successful Information session cum Karaoke event held on February 26th 2017.
Our guest speaker Chris Waldman provided a detailed presentation with valuable insight on our food choices and what to watch for in labels. Chris worked with seniors for more than a decade as a Chef in one of the Senior’s retirement home and was indeed an authority to speak on this topic educating our seniors about making healthy and informed choices. By giving practical examples on daily household food packages he demonstrated to the senior community how to read these labels. Seniors actively participated with questions and showed a lot of interest on this topic.
Karaoke section was followed and participated by over 30 participants and volunteers. Dhokte family commenced the singing with their melodious voices and senior’s participation continued with selection of varied songs, smiles and laughter. This event was full of talent, energy and enthusiasm which brought several moments of group singing, networking and energized the seniors recharging their mind and body.
This event was made possible due to the support and love from our members and volunteers. Special thanks to the following members and Volunteers:
- Atul and Suchitra Dhokte
- Megh and Rajashri Thakurdesai
- Sushama and Rajeev Shinde
- Ajay Khanolkar and our special guest ChrisWaldmann
We would also like to announce our up coming highlight –Seniors Picnic With yet another guest speaker providing insightful discussion about healthy living.
Photos link – Click here