Dassera Event

Members must login to purchase event tickets at discounted member prices
Only CMA members of the can see member tickets. Gold members and guests of Elite members require tickets (discounted gold member tickets – available after logging in) for this program.
Non-members can see and buy Non-Member tickets.

Dear Members, you have CMA 2017 membership and you can not purchase the event tickets, please send RSVP email to info@cmacalgary.ca. and pay at the event counter. our apology for the inconvenience caused

Namaskar Mandali,
After the resounding success of Ganeshotsav, CMA is back. This time with an opportunity to let yourself loose and rock the dance floor! Whether it is the traditional Garba or your very own individualistic fusion dance; we know you have it in you to just go out there and chill.

So all those who want to put their groove on; Saturday Sept 23rd, is just for you. Come match your moves to the exhilarating beats of DJ Rajesh Jivan for a fun filled night of Dandiya/ Garba

Event details:


Date: 23rd September
Time: 6:00 pm till 10:30 pm
Venue: St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation
404 Meredith Road N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 5A6

Ticket  Details:

Please note the below rates are in effect only for this event.

  • Children below 5 years age are free.
  • CMA Senior members:  $15 per Member
  • All children between >5 to 12 years:  $12 per child.
  • CMA Elite Members: We are taking your participation in this event for granted. If however, you are unable to attend for any reason, please email your decline to CMA. This will help us plan accordingly and avoid any wastage of food.
  • CMA Elite Member’s guest: $15 per guest
  • CMA GOLD Adult Members: $20 per member
  • CMA GOLD Adult member’s parents: $15 per person
  • Non-CMA members (Adult & Seniors) : $25 per person

Please note: 

  • .Visit www.cmacalgary.ca for ticket details and purchase
  • Please purchase your tickets on or before the end of the day; September 21st. The product line will be closed by CMA at 11:59 pm on Sept 21st.
  • Purchase of New 2017 CMA Membership is now closed

 Samadhan members; Please feel free to email us at  info@cmacalgary.ca and samadhan@calgarycma.ca for assistance with purchasing your event tickets and arranging a ride if required.

Vendor Stalls (Non-Food Items)

This event is a huge opportunity for Calgary small business/ New innovative business Owners to network, showcase and sell your products. Stalls are available on request at minimal prices.  Interested parties, please email us at   info@cmacalgary.ca  asap for further details.