CMA  Samadhan  Senior Club

CMA Samadhan Club for Seniors

  • Helps parents and senior members of the family integrate better and improve their mental and physical well-being.
  • In 2019, a day picnic was organized at the Bowness Park with yoga, games, train ride and a lot of team building exercises for our senior members.












Samadhan Events Coming Soon:


Summer is here and it is time to enjoy outdoor weather.

CMA Samadhan is arranging much awaited picnic for all Seniors on Saturday Jul 6, 2019  at

Bowness Park Western Portion. 

Google Map link is as following.,-114.220819,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x53716eb340f25d63:0x7c440bab04128bd7!8m2!3d51.097159!4d-114.216914?hl=en

Book your Samadhan Picnic Tickets

Picnic Details: 

We will have fun filled day with lots of outdoor games, music, Gappa Goshti & Yoga session;  all geared for the seniors from 10 :00 A.M to 4 PM.


Suggestions are invited for games and activity catered specially for seniors. Singers, artists are most welcome to come forward to showcase their talent.

Tea/snacks will be by CMA. This will provide a great opportunity for all seniors to bring their delicious home cooked food to have a wonderful potluck lunch.

This event is open for all CMA seniors and their senior friends.

Please book the day in your calendar. Details like RSVP, direction to the venue, program details will follow shortly.

We also seek volunteer DDs (Designated Drivers) with vehicles  to ferry the seniors from volunteers’ communities. Please contact for more information.


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