Please select your family members (Adult, Youth, Child, Senior) one by one.
For example:
– First, select “adult” and type number of members and click “Add to cart”
– You will see your “Cart” page and a selected number of Adult/s and price.
– If you wish to add your other family members (Kids, youth or Seniors) Please click on the “Continue shopping“.
– “Continue shopping“ link takes you to “Home Page” page
– Now you select “youth/kids/seniors” and type number of members and click “Add to cart”
– Once you add all your family members. From “Cart” page click bottom link “Proceed to checkout”
– This link will take you to “Checkout” page.Follow further steps to complete the transaction.Upon successful transaction you will receive confirmation email including tickets details.
Hope this information was helpful. Still, you have the question please feel free to email us at